Can you see the things like clouds?

Every item or thing has three states:

– the cloud of causes

– the thing

– the cloud of effects

The thing is only a pose (a phase, a moment) of the cloud.

It’s the hyphen, the transitory concretion, the transition between two clouds.

The thing is the passage of clouds.

(translation – Marrik Rajjarsen)

3 thoughts on “Can you see the things like clouds?

  1. “The thing is only a pose (a phase, a moment) of the cloud.”
    Perhaps that is why we keep trying to fix things, make them static snapshots. Life never stands still, but we imagine it so.



  2. “It’s the hyphen, the transitory concretion, the transition between two clouds.”
    Ah…and so the afterlife exists. Or at least, death just transitions us to some other parallel to regenerate our spirit in another clouded world.
    That’s my interpretation of it, anyway.


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